Here I will attempt teach you whereto self publish online
Each page is a different place and way to publish. I can't help people who know everything already this is for helping beginners there "There are no details about formatting, upload parameters, margins and buffers, pricing, ease of reading do's and don'ts." I was told of this site. actually I don't know what half of that means. I don't dictate how much to sell for the kindle book publishing process gives you a clue of what books like yours sell for best. As for ease of reading I recommend what I was told by a former printer you should use cream paper because you can see it in the sun better than white. I read pro writers don't commonly centre their work but you can if you want. The sites mostly explain what they need in file types and so on. Where you need help finding something I explain it. I explain how much things cost and and if you need tax or bank info because for I am weary about handing out things on the net. I have an editor who deals with my formatting I am more creative than I am a editor. Yes this website has a lot of links and not much instruction and the odd comment on sites linked but they are observations which may be interesting or useful or a new ideas.
who are we.
I have self published books in a few places and made my poem for text to read poems and posted in many places.
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